Jabal-E-Nur Development Society

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Our Identity

Foundation History

Jabal-e-Noor Development Society (JDS) is a national development agency (NGO) in Bangladesh. It was established in 2004 to serve the distressed and needy communities irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity, casts, creed, etc. The inspiration came from the speech of Prophet Mohammad (PBH), “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book- 73, Hadith-42).

Legal Status

Jabal-E-Nur Development Society is registered with Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms on 08/07/2004 and the registration number is 3915(17)/04


JDS visualizes a society that foster dignity, spirituality and happiness of all people


JDS works for unity, peace and sustainable development through education, skills and poverty eradication.


Humanity: We serve humanity especially the vulnerable communities.

Spirituality: We seek happiness by attending the creatures to satisfy the creator.

Equality and equity: We believe in the equal value of every human being and maintaining the equity in the society.


1.Provide Education and skills training to the children and unemployed youth.
2.Make available educational scholarship, books, pens etc. for meritorious & poor students.
2.Establishment & run child home for taking care of distressed and helpless children.
3.Create awareness on nutrition, use of sanitary latrine and provide latrine components free of cost or subsidized cost.
4.Support to the poor and needy to make available safe water with appropriate technology.
5.Support and encourage all the people for tree plantation at abandoned places, besides houses and road sides as much as possible.
6.Create awareness on demerits of drugs and smoking at all level.
7.Provide assistance to the distressed & helpless communities especially during a disaster or emergency situation.