Jabal-E-Nur Development Society

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Humanitarian Response Program

The Humanitarian Support program provides vital assistance to individuals and communities affected by crises and disasters. It focuses on delivering emergency relief, including food, shelter, healthcare, and protection services, to alleviate suffering, restore dignity, and promote resilience. Through timely and coordinated efforts, the program aims to provide immediate support to those in need and facilitate long-term recovery and stability.

Our Accomplishments

Achievements Up To June 2023
  • Provided food packets to 5,000+ poor and needy families.
  • Provided winter cloths to 10,000+ men, women and children who were victims of extreme cold wave.
  • Provided nutritional support (qurbani meat) to 4500+ families during Eid festival.





Our Approach

Our approaches for the Humanitarian Support program include rapid needs assessment, effective coordination with local authorities and humanitarian partners, timely delivery of emergency relief, prioritizing the most vulnerable populations, ensuring community participation, promoting sustainability, and integrating disaster risk reduction measures to build resilience and support long-term recovery.

Way Forward

The Humanitarian Support program entails strengthening coordination mechanisms, enhancing preparedness and response capacities, adopting innovative technologies, engaging in sustainable partnerships, prioritizing local ownership and capacity-building, and advocating for policy changes to ensure effective and timely humanitarian assistance, resilience, and long-term solutions for affected communities.

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